Sinopsis of the Book The Farc Cartel Vol (I)

Publicado: 2015-12-05   Clicks: 3773

Compendio documental y testimonial del cartel narcotraficante más poderoso de Colombia

The FARC Cartel  (I)

Finance of the Communist  Terrorism Against Colombia 1978-1996

by Colonel Luis Alberto Villamarín Pulido


The FARC Cartel is one of the "star books" of the author, the Colombian Colonel Luis Alberto Villamarín Pulido. This text, written as a combination of chronicle with scientific investigation and historic description. In this sense, The FARC Cartel describes one by one, the steps how the FARC has been immersed in cocaine traffic and the consequent terrorism against Colombia. In 242 pages illustrated with photographs and statistical charts, the author gives to the readers enough information to interpret and understand the lines of criminal behavior mixed with totalitarian political aspirations of the Farc and the Colombian Communist Party. This book was the first in the genre to warning the world about the profiles of the war and the peace, and, the violence and the real life of the Colombian peace affected for the FARC actions. 
      The FARC cartel was also the first book that enhanced the US Department of State to define the FARC guerrillas like a terrorist and cocaine traffic group, due that despite the proofs, individuals such as Myles Frechette ex-US Ambassador in Colombia, who denied this true.
     The first volume of the Farc Cartel covers the period 1978-1996, and its content obviously invites the readers to complete the information reading the Volume II, that is covering the period 1996-2006 and Volume III that is covering the period 2006-2016.    
50,000 copies of the Volumen I in Spanish published as El Cartel de las FARC (I) is the main proof of the academic and historic scope of this book.

     Series: ColombianConflict

    Autor: Coronel Luis Alberto Villamarín Pulido

    Título definitivo: The FARC Cartel

     Subtítulo definitivo: Finance of Communist Terrorism Against Colombia 1978-1996

     ISBN: 978-1519519849  

     Format: 15,5 x 21,5 cm

     Encuadernación: Rústic 

    Páges: 194

    Colors: b/w

    For sale in:




Luis Alberto Villamarin PulidoThe autor: Luis Alberto Villamarín Pulido is a Colombian Colonel on retirement from the Colombian Army with 25 years of experience in military operations against urban and rural terrorism in his country.

     Awarded several times with medals and condecorations for meritorious outcomes in combat against the enemy on the battlefield, Colonel Villamarin is a specialized military officer in urban and rural counterterrorism, military intelligence, psychological operations , explosives and demolitions, crisis management, and civil affairs staff . In addition, he studied Political Science at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Colombia.

Colonel Villamarin is strategic affairs analyst for important media in various countries, invited lecturer from international research centers of terrorism, permanent columnist for the Journal Miltary Review of United States Army, guest analyst of the prestigious CNN in Spanish television channel, guest lecturer at several universities in the world, corresponding member of the Academy of History of Huila, Bolivarian Society of Colombia, and Colombian Academy of Military History, an expert research scientist irregular warfare, professor of military training schools in Colombia and ex-commander of counterguerrillas successful units.  

     Currently, Colonel Villamarin is author of 27 books related with violence, terrorism and drug traffic (Ganar la guerra para conquistar la pazEl Eln por dentroEn el infiernoEl cartel de las FarcOperación JaqueOperación SodomaOperación OdiseoComplot contra Colombia, etc.) and recently ISIS-Estado Islámico, book that summarizes growing and solidification of this terrorist group in the Middle East and its extense branches in the world.

    The series Internactional Terrorism gathers books of  geopolitical, geoestratégical and national security  trascendence of high interest  for the worldwide 21st century men and women. His writtings  generate academic debates through actualized, contemporary history, etc. These are books inviting to think and discover socio-political realities.

    Impacting Sentence:

    "They were called the FARC, a communist guerrilla fighting whoever was in power, and now baptized the cocaine cartel. Financed by drugs, this corrupt guerrilla movement still retains the support of western powers, and  even ill-informed charity organizations”.  L´Express Magazine-France

     Summarizing this book:

   The present political circumstances indicate that the Cali Cartel, in alliance with the FARC and together with dishonest officers of the last presidential campaign, constitute a factor of social and political destabilization, a historical circumstance which will forcibly affect the country's future.

This thesis is an analytic proposal, informing public opinion of the threat for republican stability represented by a subversive group moving boldly within the drug market.

The FARC Cartel is a criminal group with terrorist capacity, and thanks to drug traffic it has achieved a strong economic position and this is important in modern war.

What were previously suppositions and subjective appraisals have turned out to be an objective reality that can be verified and measured.

This reality hovers as a new threat of total war where all shades of criminals will profit.    

      The author says:

    In operations against the FARC bandits at the end of January 1996, the Army confiscated documents in Caquetá that conclusively prove that this group is the third and most dangerous of the drug cartels in Colombia. This is because the rapidly growing funds of the terrorist organization will be used to equip fronts who have received political and ideological formation from the Communist party which also defends them from a position of legality, and fosters the underhand publicity supporting the sinister narco-subversion alliance.

Logical suppositions give way to documental proof during a historic period when warfare is dominated by economics rather than ideology or geography. The FARC political agents sensed that money had the overwhelming potential to rapidly destabilize the country. To this end, they encouraged the subversión to systematically attack the legal order via well trained guerrillas with a terrorist capacity.

The process whereby the FARC became the third Cocaine Cartel is gradual and progressive. Having no experience in drug trafficking, the first step was to charge the drug mafia for protection, and then they perfected the business to the point of becoming rivals with a greater power of survival.

    Audiencia cualitativa:

- Inhabitants of zones where the FARC commits crimes

- Readers of updated sociopolitical essays.

- People sharing the criminal ideas of FARC.

- Military Forces and Police units in countries affected by Communist or Islamic narcoterrroism.

- Readers with interest in security affairs

- Students, journalists and analysts of the Communist and Islamic.

- NGO´s and associations or instituciones involved in the study of the fight against terrorism.

     Sales arguments:

   1. Complete description of the FARC immersion in the narco-traffic and its relation with Communist terrorism in Colombia.

  2.  Complete explanation about the phenomenom of Communist terrorismand the links between Farc and Colombian Communist Party, including the "legal" finances o f a sinister political party, that double moral exploits in terrorism favor the democracy advantages,

   3. This book explains the interlinks between FARC and international terrorist groups.

    4.  Relevance and actuality of themes of national security, geopolitics, and counter-terrorism  inside and outside from Colombia.

    5.  Experience of the author in combat against the Colombian terrorist groups M-19, Epl, Farc, Eln y AUC.

     6. This book is one of the few descriptions about the Farc inside.  



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